

Situationship to Your Dream Relationship

Stop feeling lonely, and attract your dream relationship.

No more feeling disheartened. The 5 Pillars of The Love-Trust 

Cycle will take you from Feeling Frustrated To Fulfilled In Love 

without sacrificing your beliefs.


Finding love can feel like one of the most frustrating concepts that should feel natural.

All the heartbreak and let downs of the past have left you feeling doubtful and hopeless.

It often feels easier to just stay single, despite the desire find connection and love.

Finding love should be fun right!?

Is This You?

Over dating apps,
& dating in general


Meeting all the
wrong ones

I bet you're thinking...

Story of my life right?

You're Not Alone...

I’ve worked with hundreds of people who have been in your position.

When I showed them their Love Blind-Spot, and they implemented the right tools, they were able to,

Nothing they did prior ever worked for them.

I started working with Belinda after being sick of being single or being hurt in relationships that were just not fulfilling. I found that I was constantly pouring myself into the other person but got nothing back and it was over quickly leaving me more upset than I started with.
Since working with Belinda, I have created the relationship of my dreams and it is real relationship with give and take and ups and downs. I am not afraid to speak up for what I want in case he left me nor am I constantly giving so much and getting nothing or very little back. As I write this, I have been with my gorgeous man for 424 days and we couldn’t be happier together. I cannot recommend Belinda or her coaching enough. Thank you so much.


I started working with Belinda after being sick of being single or being hurt in relationships that were just not fulfilling. I found that I was constantly pouring myself into the other person but got nothing back and it was over quickly leaving me more upset than I started with.
Since working with Belinda, I have created the relationship of my dreams and it is real relationship with give and take and ups and downs. I am not afraid to speak up for what I want in case he left me nor am I constantly giving so much and getting nothing or very little back. As I write this, I have been with my gorgeous man for 424 days and we couldn’t be happier together. I cannot recommend Belinda or her coaching enough. Thank you so much.



The Love-Trust Cycle

The Love-Trust Cycle is a 5 week course that is designed to
address every single step on the love journey so that you
can have clarity, confidence, and have a enjoy deep connection
with your soul partner.


I am here to let you know that there is hope for genuine-connected love
and it all starts here.


Prior to working with Belinda, I had pretty much given up on finding love and had put my heart away for good.

Belinda’s coaching style is light-hearted while still deep to reveal what needs to be dealt with. I have learned that I am a special person with love to give.

Belinda had opened me up to online dating which I was so against it wasn’t funny. I’ve been chatting with lovely ladies and been on a few dates with great potential.

I can’t thank Belinda enough for helping me. My mindset has completely changed, not only about love but life in general

~ Anthony


I was going through a personal growth period at the time I met Belinda and I honestly believe I was meant to meet her at this time of my life. Belinda’s honesty and unbiased thoughts helped provide me with courage to make a difficult decision.

It was a realisation I already knew deep down, but wasn’t easy to admit it and I had been avoiding the decision for a long time.

~ Caitlin


I started working with Belinda after being sick of being single or being hurt in relationships that were just not fulfilling. I found that I was constantly pouring myself into the other person but got nothing back and it was over quickly leaving me more upset than I started with.

Since working with Belinda, I have created the relationship of my dreams and it is real relationship with give and take and ups and downs.

I am not afraid to speak up for what I want in case he left me nor am I constantly giving so much and getting nothing or very little back. As I write this, I have been with my gorgeous man for 424 days and we couldn’t be happier together. I cannot recommend Belinda or her coaching enough. Thank you so much.

~ Shannon

” Finding love is the ultimate goal, but without this small investment in yourself now, you will continue to have the same situations come up over and over again. It is called the mirror effect “

Here's what we will
accomplish together

Go from Doubtful to Desired. You will attract the fall in love firstly with yourself, and then with your soul-partner

In the Love-Trust Cycle I will show you the proven formula that is going to transform your love-life in a matter of weeks by teaching you what you didn’t know, you didn’t know. All the secrets your friends and family can’t tell you as they aren’t trained in this area. Tools you can implement straight away so that you can feel confident and


We don’t even know that subconsciously our past relationships are playing out in the present, and the future.

Here is where we will work on…

Healing any residual hurt from past relationships, not just romantic ones, but any breakdowns in your family, and friends, as they are all contributing to your current situation in love. Finding peace with the heartbreak, and feeling empowered in love.

This pillar is pivotal, you may wonder why do I need to do this, or think you have already cleared this, however, these are the blind-spots, we often just sweep things under the rug, and look for the next partner to make us happy, or be resigned to not finding it again, but these thoughts are coming from the unhealed pain and lack of closure from the past.

Past Relationships
Lessons Learned
Address the Past
Clear the Past

You will go from potentially feeling confused, concerned, resentful, bitter, angry, frustrated, annoyed, lonely, or worried.


confident, peaceful, happy, calm, excited, at peace, harmonious, relieved, and ready to find love again.

This is tough and important. All good things happen on the other side of your comfort zone.

Wonder how to really feel empowered with dating and relationships?  Don’t want to stress about repeating the same patterns anymore and just want to trust again?

I am now giving you the licence to go after what you want and have full clarity around important things no one has ever told you regarding love.

When we have a licence we just go and do it, it is like giving ourselves permission, we trust we can do it and we go out and do it.

Here we will go a bit deeper again so that you can gain amazing tools regarding love and dating that you either weren’t aware of, or knew a bit about but have only touched the surface of this information.

Recognise Yourself
Acknowledge Yourself
Love Yourself
Release Your Inner Coach
Feel Loved = Be Loved

You will go from feeling guilty, flat, exhausted, used, taken for granted, annoyed, upset, like second best.


Feeling important again, loved, happy, self-aware, confident.  You will know the difference between being selfish, and having self-love.  You will be able to confidently say no to things and happily say yes to things.  Balancing life, with love, and taking care of yourself so that your cup can overflow and you have a zest for life again.

If you don’t learn this, you will continue to attract the same patterns. This is important to break the cycles.

Are you people-pleasing? Putting yourself second?  Thinking that if you take care of yourself that it is selfish?

This pillar covers how to make yourself an equal priority to all those you are pleasing. To love yourself and truly see your worth. You will no longer feel deflated regarding love and will feel excited, and confident, and know how to say yes when you want to, and no when you need to, without worrying about hurting anyone. 

When you make yourself a priority, you will find someone that makes you an equal priority and this is truly important in love.  This pillar will enable you to love who you are, understand the importance of being a priority, how to be authentic in your relationships, and not feel like you are walking on eggshells.

Remove Your Love Blocks
Attachment Styles
Your Love Values
Spread The Love
Know What You Want

You will go from wondering why you are attracting all the same relationships and people that are misaligned.  Worrying about making the same “mistakes”, or lessons, as I like to call them, and no longer feeling anxious or avoidant about love.


Feeling confident, excited, and empowered around love and dating because you will have learned all your blind-spots, your attachment style, your love values and so much more that you never even knew existed.  You will no longer attract this into your life, and if you do, you will recognise it straight away!

You will feel excited, and trust the process and yourself again on this journey.

Does rejection make you feel sick?  Or does being ghosted make you feel pale?

I totally get it, it is common for many people

That scary thing, rejection can keep us stuck, which is often worse than trying. 

In this pillar you will learn how to embrace “rejection”.  And see it as a redirection, and a blessing so you can embrace it, and be grateful for it.

Spread The Love
Build Trust
Be Proactive
Dating Profile

You will go from feeling stuck, anxious, avoidant, and resistant.  Worrying about being rejected or ghosted again and again.


Ready to date again.  Excited and refreshed.  You will be ready to date and have the tools to do so and handle anything that comes your way.  And with the knowledge you gained from the previous pillars you will attract more of the right people, your energy will shift, along with the people in your life

You will be empowered by receiving redirection, and excited about dating again.  The fear will be gone and you will no longer worry about it.

Sometimes we can over compromise in relationships, and lose ourselves for the sake of “having a partner”.  This can be unhealthy.

This pillar will educate the difference between settling and compromising.  As I believe not everyone aligns in values 100% of the time and compromise is healthy, but settling is not.

You will learn how to decipher the confusing messages from your head and heart and tap into your intuition more so you can be empowered around your choices.

Settle vs. Compromise
Head – Heart – Gut Instinct
Manage Your Mindset
Set Your Intentions
Mindful Manifestation

You will go from feeling uncertain about maintaining a relationship and worried you will repeat the same patterns which have held you back in the past.


Feeling ready, excited, and empowered. You will have tools to say no when you need to, and ways to improve situations that are challenging in an effective way instead of arguing, or simply ending it. You will know how to clear the “baggae” and keep the relationship fun, flirty, and connected.

Whilst understanding ways to maintain the spark in the relationship as well as how to connect deeply with the partner of your dreams, and no longer trauma bond.

Then once you learn all of this you will easily manifest it.


My clients have achieved their dreams. One left a relationship that wasn’t serving her, healed, and found love six months later, got married and has her first child in two years.

Another one was attracting all the wrong partners wondering when love would arrive, after the course only months later love arrived and they are now getting engaged!

Will you be my next success story?




I am here to let you know that there is hope for genuine-connected love
and it all starts here.


Prior to working with Belinda, I had pretty much given up on finding love and had put my heart away for good.

Belinda’s coaching style is light-hearted while still deep to reveal what needs to be dealt with. I have learned that I am a special person with love to give.

Belinda had opened me up to online dating which I was so against it wasn’t funny. I’ve been chatting with lovely ladies and been on a few dates with great potential.

I can’t thank Belinda enough for helping me. My mindset has completely changed, not only about love but life in general

~ Anthony


I was going through a personal growth period at the time I met Belinda and I honestly believe I was meant to meet her at this time of my life. Belinda’s honesty and unbiased thoughts helped provide me with courage to make a difficult decision.

It was a realisation I already knew deep down, but wasn’t easy to admit it and I had been avoiding the decision for a long time.

~ Caitlin


I started working with Belinda after being sick of being single or being hurt in relationships that were just not fulfilling. I found that I was constantly pouring myself into the other person but got nothing back and it was over quickly leaving me more upset than I started with.

Since working with Belinda, I have created the relationship of my dreams and it is real relationship with give and take and ups and downs.

I am not afraid to speak up for what I want in case he left me nor am I constantly giving so much and getting nothing or very little back. As I write this, I have been with my gorgeous man for 424 days and we couldn’t be happier together. I cannot recommend Belinda or her coaching enough. Thank you so much.

~ Shannon



I have been asked what makes me an expert in this field, and my response is “I have studied counselling in the past, but nothing compares to first-hand experience. My passion is to help people understand their worth and give them insight into the key elements of finding a love they deserve and maintaining it. I am my own testimony having found my incredible dream partner.


5 Week Online Love Program


  • 5 x Pillar Training Modules in Private Portal
  • 5 x Video Coaching in Private Portal
  • 5 x Workbooks & Homework
  • 12 Month Access to Portal (value $379)
  • 1 x 30min 1:1 with Belinda at the start
  • 1 x 30min 1:1 with Belinda at the end
  • 1 x 30min 1:1 with Belinda within 6 months
  • Access to The Private Facebook Group
  • 1 x Weekly Live Coaching in Group (can replay)
  • 1 x Weekly Live Q&A In Group (can replay)
  • Weekly access to Belinda via Messenger
  • Supportive Posts in Group
  • Likeminded Singles in the Group

Total Value $1,997

Normally $997

24 HOURS ONLY $447


5 Week Group Love Program


  • 1 x 30min 1:1 with Belinda at the start
  • 1 x 30min 1:1 with Belinda at the end
  • 1 x 30min 1:1 with Belinda within 6 months
  • Access to The Private Facebook Group
  • 1 x Weekly Live Coaching in Group
  • 1 x Weekly Live Q&A In Group
  • Weekly access to Belinda Love via Messenger
  • Supportive Posts in Group
  • Likeminded Singles in the Group
  • 5 x Pillar Training Modules in Private Portal
  • 5 x Video Coaching in Private Portal
  • 5 x Workbooks & Homework
  • 12 Month Access to Portal (value $379) Total Value $3,997

Total Value $3,997

Normally $2,997

24 HOURS ONLY $1,888


5 Week Premium 1:1 Love Program

What’s Included

  • 5 x 60min 1:1 with Belinda (one session/week)
  • 1 x 60min 1:1 with Belinda 3 months after
  • 1 x 60min 1:1 with Belinda 6 months after
  • Access to The Private Facebook Coaching Group
  • 1 x Weekly Live Coaching in Group (can replay)
  • 1 x Weekly Live Q&A In Group (can replay)
  • Weekly access to Belinda via Messenger
  • Supportive Posts in Group
  • Like-minded Singles in the Group
  • Group Sound Healing
  • 1:1 Sound Healing
  • 5 x Pillar Training Modules in Private Portal
  • 5 x Video Coaching in Private Portal
  • 5 x Workbooks & Homework
  • 12 Month Access to Portal (value $379)
  • Total Value $9,999

Normally $4,444

24 HOURS ONLY $3,333

What The FAQ?

This depends! We are unable to guarantee results for legal reasons – we can’t predict if you will complete, or how quickly you will complete the tasks. Over the past 7 years, for all those who have implemented the courses and coaching we’ve had over 90% success stories. Those who aren’t successful simply didn’t implement the tools or complete the course.

In general, it is not uncommon for most students to get results in three to six months after implementing all the tools. Our best students who listen to our instructions and implement all the tools have gotten results in one to three months, or even whilst they are doing the course.

I can guide you, but you must implement the tools in order to achieve your desired outcome.

little progress each day leads to big results. Each video takes around 15 to 25 minutes to watch and there are pauses so that you can complete the activities during it. I allocate two weeks to complete each pillar, but you can complete them in two hours if you allocate undistracted time to yourself, which it is about time you started doing this for you. Doing this with the support from an expert will get you to your results much quicker than if you do it on your own. It hasn’t worked in the past, time to start something new perhaps?

If you start now, your life could be so different. You don’t want to be stuck in the same situation years from now whereby you still feel frustrated, lonely, doubtful, anxious, or just avoiding it all together, but deep down wanting it.

In fact, this course will offer you peace of mind, confidence in yourself, the ability to have more effective relationships, and saves you time stressing about why it isn’t happening, or asking inexperienced friends and family members what to do, and having them give you the wrong unqualified advice over and over again, sending you in circles.

The small investment of time now, will save you a lot of time in the long run as you’ll be confidently taking action on tasks that will bring you the biggest results – one step at a time. It will allow you the freedom to be happy and allow the right person to effortlessly come into your life, instead of feeling like you have to constantly chase. This is about ease of manifestation but also manifesting the right person, not the same types of relationships of the past, and if you can even just avoid meeting those people it really would be worth doing it. So… you decide! Is this worth it for your happiness?

Yes, if you have completed the tasks and have found that nothing has worked for you I have a no questions asked 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. All the risk is on me! If you do the tasks, you will see results. I do have a 24 hour cooling off period after purchase, if you have simply changed your mind. But my belief is that you will love it once you start as all my past clients have indicated this. The implementation is simple and up to you.

Yes, if you have completed the tasks and have found that nothing has worked for you I have a no questions asked 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. All the risk is on me! If you do the tasks, you will see results. I do have a 24 hour cooling off period after purchase, if you have simply changed your mind. But my belief is that you will love it once you start as all my past clients have indicated this. The implementation is simple and up to you.

The course can be completed in 10 weeks (one pillar a fortnight) but you will have access for three months at no extra charge as an added bonus to ensure that you get what you wanted when you started. This is normally $49 per month after the course so you will be saving on the monthly membership fee.

Yes. This has been designed to work for people who are time poor as you can implement it in your own time. It is not gender specific as believe it or not, women and men experience the same thoughts and feelings when it comes to this. So the tasks created, whilst feel a bit more feminine if you are in your masculine energy, are designed to get you the results.

I have worked with men and women for years and wanted to create something that I could offer both genders simply because in my coaching the same tools were required. It was created for ease of implementation, clear understanding for all genders, and the convenience of doing it in your own time. Both men and women who have completed this course have received the results they truly wanted.

You can either pay in full (this is the most popular option that gives you the best value
as you save $100.

Or you can make use of the payment plan which is 3 payments of $199
(this is an easy + flexible payment plan option that I’ve provided so that you can get started for
just $199)

I know right, it is insane. This is because I have made it into a video series that doesn’t’ require my time every session which means I can offer it for a lower investment, of course if you work 1:1 with Belinda you will get a more tailored experience as well as the tools and learnings a lot faster than on your own. With the online course you will get a huge amount of amazing value, results and have a great experience.

The discount you receive is available for a short time. It is also a thank you for investing in you, and coming along to an event, or being a part of the groups, or simply for following and supporting Belinda. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

I’ve created the course to be as easy to follow as it can possibly get. I wanted people to do this the easiest and quickest way possible. The videos are linked to the workbooks and there is time allocated to complete each workbook in the video to avoid any confusion. I mean dating is hard enough without the tools right! So why make the course hard too?

Once you finish the course you will have clarity, confidence, and will connect with the right people in order to find the love you deserve.

I pride myself in providing the best support possible for all my clients.
If you need support at any point, email us with your questions at belinda@bloved.com.au. We are just an
email away!

You also receive weekly support in the form of messenger and voice mail to ask questions directly to Belinda when you are doing the course.


So...are yo ready to achieve these amazing results?

You can do this!

You can do this! Dating genuine people, and finding the love you deserve seems hard or even almost impossible, but it is 100% worth it.

Your quality of life just becomes so much better once you find the clarity you have been looking for. This will give you the confidence to connect with your soul-partner and avoid all the wrong ones you have been dating your whole life.

If millions of people around the world have been able to achieve this WHY NOT YOU? You
can do this, and by starting the course, you will gain access to all the resources, and guidance
that you need to break the cycle and find love! Without having to struggle on the same path, repeating the same patterns over, and over again.

I hereby give you permission to step up, take action, and say, “WHY NOT ME? I CAN FIND LOVE!” Because you CAN do this! I’ve helped hundreds of clients before you not only love themselves, but find the love the truly desire.

If all you gained from this course was to feel confident in yourself, and stopped the same old patterns would it be worth it?

You deserve this! Let’s get started right now on your journey to get the love you truly yearn for.

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